Some of our games can be adapted for groups of children between 8 and 14 years.
This adaptation we call KIDS MODE.
In Stranger Room, the best time travelers are called to fix once and for all the time machine that always loses its parts. The group has 60 minutes to explore a house from the 80’s, find the parts and reconnect the machine! You don’t need prior knowledge in any series to play.
In Guilty - Assault on Precinct , the game is set in a police station of the 90s and the group is allowed to arrest to look for a diamond that is in this station. They have 60 minutes to explore this precinct and find the diamond before the inspectors get back to work.
Regardless of the game chosen, in KIDS mode, the monitor (Game Master) enters with the group to guide and help closely, whenever necessary. In the Stranger Room groups can have up to 10 participants (11 if they are all children), while in Guilty - Assault on Precinct groups can be formed by up to 6 players (7 if they are all children) and the value is per player and depends on the number of players.
Our prices per game are:
For groups of:
> 7 to 11 children, the price is 14€ per child.
> 6 children, the price is 16€ per child.
> 5 children, the value is 18€ per child.
> 4 children, the value is 20€ per child.
> 3 children, the price is 22€ per child.
> 2 children, the price is 32€ per child.
If the group has more than 11 and up to 18 participants, they can also divide the group into two teams and play both games simultaneously.
For birthdays, we offer a digital invitate and a personalized enigma with the photograph of the birthday boy/girl.
In addition, we have a space outside so that it is possible to open the birthday cake.
To know more about it, to book a visit at our store and/or to book a day and time, send us a message!